Time relations between worlds - how is time constructed? Is our concept of time similar everywhere? It is said that time passes inexorably and nothing can be done about "time." The concept of "time" is a philosophical concept. First, the General Relativity and then quantum mechanics introduced some uncertainty in our understanding of "time." Since then, People have started to look at the definition of "time". Intuitively, we already know that "time" cannot be relegated to a mere lapse - to be measured, second by second. Is there, then, our time? If time had a beginning, it could also have an end, and this means that time must pass according to the direction - according to the arrow of time.

Our concept of time takes into account our ToE-Quantum Space. The concept of Quantum Space incorporates a new approach to the concept of “time” – this was discussed in the ToE-time concept. The new concept of time assumes that our concept of time in our surrounding Reality, is an incomplete concept. Therefore, a new interpretation of time has been proposed – this is the concept of expanded time. Extended time has been described by a complex time function. This means that our time has a completely different dimension, so “time” must be described in a completely different way. The mathematical description of time was made using the Time Quaternion.
Have you ever wondered why time can flow differently in the world of ants? We get the impression that such a small individual - an ant, moves very fast if we observe it from our point of view. It gives the impression that such an ant is running at high speed. Hardly, we are not even able to notice what movements its legs are making. Is it therefore just an impression? Or are there some Time relations between worlds - between the world of humans and the world of ants. Is it just an illusion?
Since we get this impression about the concept of "time" between the insect world and our world, it seems that the concept of time must take into account a certain relativism - the relativity of time. What if the Relativity of time between worlds refers to the Macro-world and the Micro-world? In the World of Elementary Particles, all particles have enormous velocities. Some elementary particles move almost at the speed of light - Photons, for example. So should time in the world of elementary particles be viewed differently? Is that what time relativity is all about?
If it can be proven that "time", once had a beginning, then it can also be proven that our "time" has an end. And if it has a beginning and an end, then it has its arrow of time. This means that our "time" is directional and "runs" from past moments towards future moments. Somewhere in the middle, of course, are the Time relations between worlds.
Time in some way must be defined, interpreted in different places, in different worlds. There must also be some modification of the concept of time along the way - a transformation that ensures the coexistence of all these places: the structure of Quantum Space, the micro-world of elementary particles and the macro-world - the surrounding Reality.
The relationship of time between all these places requires completely different interpretations. Only then can we face the concept of "time" in the full sense of the word. We do not have the conviction that time once began, or if it did, perhaps it never had a beginning. Is it possible for time to be without a beginning and without an end? It seems unlikely - but these are just our beliefs. Everything could be resolved if we knew the answer to how the Universe was created? This question is crucial, unless, in the meantime, it appears that we will solve the riddle of our concept of "time."
There are many theories and concepts of the origin of our Universe - one of them, is our Concept of Quantum Space. Probably the most well-known Theory is the Big Bang Theory. It was a very different explosion than we think, but this theory seems to be confirmed by observations of objects in space. Even in space, our "time" behaves differently. It is related to gravity - even gravity has a relation to time, and actually gravity is related to time in a sense. Then we have a new concept of gravity.
It is assumed that before the Big Bang, "time" may not have existed. In fact, nothing we know existed. Our concept of "time" is linked to existence. So if our time did not exist before the Big Bang, how can we say that something in general could have existed? So if time did not exist, what interpretation did it have at the time of release, creation (time). Was our "time" limited to measuring moments only? Or could the concept of "time" then be associated with "changes"?
If at the very beginning, the concept of "time" was interpreted as a recorder of "changes" taking place, then time also had to undergo a certain evolution (Dollo's law of irreversibility). Relationships of time had to be adequate to the place where time became functional, useful. No doubt, first the concept of time had to exist in the micro-world, and then it had to evolve to our Reality, to our Macro-world. Relationships of time had to transform from one world to another.
Perhaps the Algebra of quaternions could be used to describe the mathematical concept of time in the micro-world from our point of view? But about that, in the next article. Then there would have to be another ToE-Time Concept - called the concept of Time Quaternion. So the concept of "time" depends on where we observe it - this means that time has its relativity. If this is the case, then it deserves a completely different mathematical description - just quaternion. Time - deserves more attention…
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