poniedziałek, 24 lutego 2025

Complex time function

Complex time function is a certain concept for defining our concept of "time". We know from the previous post that our time that we use in our surrounding Reality is an incomplete description. Therefore, we introduced the concept of Time Quaternion. Quaternions provide a certain mathematical description that expands our concept of time. It turns out that today's world perceives the concept very "flat" - our "time" is reduced only to "t - Time". Indeed, this is the case. In our environment, time is associated with the measurement of seconds, which, as they pass, register changes.

Our ToE-Quantum Space introduces certain interpretations of time depending on where we are. It would be unfortunate if our ToE-Quantum Space introduced additional confusion and announced that there could be more "times" forms of recording events in a particular sequence. It seems to us that time deserves a different treatment. If our time is to be generalized to all these places: Micro-World and Macro-World, then its interpretation must be extended. Such an extension of time proposed another mathematical description by introducing the concept of Time Quaternion. We need Complex time function.

Our time, from our point of view, is only our Reality. This means that if there were potentially other - Parallel Realities, where near us, then our time must be in some relation with these Alternate Worlds. We don't know exactly if this is the case, but scientists are increasingly loudly mentioning such a hypothetical Multiverse. On the other hand, we have the unresolved problem of Dark Matter, which is estimated to be in the majority - some 95%. The matter of which our Universe is composed is only 4%, maybe 5% - just an estimate. Our Concept of Quantum Space also addresses this issue. Therefore, the Complex Time Function becomes a certain solution.

The complex time function describes the concept of "time" as the possibility of the existence of places that are not "accessible" from our point of view. Perhaps such an Alternate Reality could exist described by an Alternate Time. Such an Alternative Place seems to be an "Imaginary" idea, so the concept of times should consist of a Real part - this is the time that is known to us, and time should also have an Imaginary part, which would apply to all possible phenomena for places inaccessible from our point of view. We need a complex time function for complementarity (physics).

Such an example would be the phenomena occurring in quantum mechanics. The very phenomenon of Wave–particle duality makes us perplexed - it is as if our particle participates in two worlds, has two natures. In physicscomplementarity is a conceptual aspect of quantum mechanics that Niels Bohr regarded as an essential feature of the theory. The complementarity principle holds that objects have certain pairs of complementary properties which cannot all be observed or measured simultaneously, for examples, position and momentum or wave and particle properties. In contemporary terms, complementarity encompasses both the uncertainty principle and wave-particle duality.

This approach was prompted by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, which creates some confusion with time. How can one elementary particle "find" time to appear in two, or even more places simultaneously from our point of view? This means that from the point of view of this elementary particles, time around its surroundings must have "stretched" like a rubber band. Is this possible? Time, therefore, must have a mathematical description quite different from what we assume - Complex Time Function would be a sure solution. In the animation below we show the concept of an extended description of time - this is the Complex Time Function.

The Complex Time Function. The animation presents the concept of time quaternion.
The Complex Time Function. The animation presents the concept of time quaternion. If there is a phenomenon going on in the world of elementary particles that allows one and the same elementary particle to exist in two or more places at the same time from our point of view, it means that time in the world of elementary particles must flow quite differently from our point of view. It would seem that our "time" would be contained in some larger "time space." If so, then our description of time is incomplete - it can only be part of "time."
This means that our mathematical description of time should be a complex value. The Real part of this value, the scalar - is responsible for our perception of our time. On the other hand, the augmented part and imaginary vector of time, is responsible for the time that operates from the world of elementary particles. Then, the Complex Time function fills in the gaps for phenomena occurring in quantum mechanics, which are difficult to explain.

The complex time function took the form of a Quaternion. In the animation, we can observe a mathematical description that extends our concept of time. From the description, we can see that the real part, is the scalar part, which is responsible for our concept of time. It is the Actual of our time. In the micro-world, in the world of elementary particles, time has a different interpretation than in our macro-world. In addition, time has its extension, which is described by the imaginary part.

Each part of the description of time - our complex time function - has been marked with a different color. The dial of a clock, which has three hands, determines the position vector for the location of the passage of imaginary time from our point of view.

What could be the effects of time expansion - the effects of time as described by the Complex Time Function? This interpretation of time for the micro-world - for the world of elementary particles, means that now in fact each particle can appear in several places simultaneously. Little, the imaginary part of the complex time function - the time quaternion, has its own interpretation. The vector of the imaginary part determines moments, moments of time for other Time Dimensions of alternative worlds. The imaginary part can also be related to Dark Matter, which is mostly in our Universe. The imaginary part of time, can refer to other moments from our Past.

Imagine that where we are now, there was another planet in our solar system in the Past - Mercury, for example. Therefore, could our Elementary Particle - for example, the Electron, could also have appeared then as a fragment of matter for Mercury could also be a fragment of matter of today's Earth? If such an Elementary Particle can be in two places at the same time, it can also be in two times at the same time - in two Time Dimensions. Perhaps the Electrons lose stability in our time, appear in another Time, where they co-create matter there. This is still a matter to be investigated. Certainly, this approach to time opens up new possibilities for elementary particle life.

Heisenberg, in constructing his uncertainty principle, may have assumed that time for elementary particles may require some extension. The same may also apply to Schrödinger equation, Erwin Schrödinger tried to determine the states of single elementary particles with his equations. Thus, if time has an expansion, then the entanglement of two systems - the ghostly entanglement of two particles, as Einstein used to say - can be explained if time has its expanded imaginary part. In that case, for entanglement we have time. How, then, could the imaginary part be interpreted. The real part of our time is a scalar, which corresponds to seconds. What about the imaginary part of our complex time function.

The imaginary part of our time function is a vector that points to a certain place. What kind of place is this? It is the place, where the mapping of the Imaginary part of our time to the Real part of time for this, another place, takes place. Just at that place - it is a parallel World, perhaps our Reality from the Past, or from the future, which from our point in our real time is unstable.

Unstable means that an elementary particle cannot co-create a stable image of matter for our point in time and space. This is very complicated, but it will be explained in the next article. One thing is certain - the imaginary part is a vector that points to another place outside our time.

The complex time function is completed by the concept of time. The complex time function determines time for the Macro-world by the Real part. The complex function of time determines time for the micro-world by expanding it with an imaginary part. Complex Time Function - is a new, mathematical description of the concept of "time". The Complex Time Function is a form of the Quaternion - it has been called the Time Quaternion.

The world of elementary particles must have an expanded form of time. This is why our concept of time must change its meaning. In order for our two descriptions of the worlds: our Reality and the world of elementary particles to coexist, our time should be described by the Complex Time Function. This could mean that a single elementary particle can be a component of matter for many Parallel Worlds - for our alternative Realities. Perhaps such an elementary particle can be entangled with another elementary particle through the ambiguity of time.

Real Time is a description of our Reality, of what surrounds us. The world of elementary particles builds a image of stable matter in our Here and Now. If during the construction of this image of stable matter for our Here and our Now there are any phenomena related to Quantum decoherence, this can only happen in imaginary time.

Marek Ożarowski


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