ToE-Time Quaternion is a proposal to expand our concept of "time." We know that our time is an interpretation of the measure of change. If it were not for the changes taking place in the Reality around us, we would have no sense of the passage of time. From our point of view, Time is related to change - the Changes that occur around us. Time is one of the seven fundamental physical quantities in both the International System of Units (SI) and International System of Quantities.
Time appears to be Real - it is a clock that measures moments and determines the next elements of the sequence. The perception of time according to our ToE-Quantum Space has its interpretations for many places, separately for the macro-world and separately for the micro-world. This means, distinguishing time for these two worlds. In order to keep the concept of time consistent for these two descriptions, we have introduced an additional concept, for our understanding of time - this is the Time Quaternion. What is a Time Quaternion and why do we introduce such a concept?
We'll start with a description of the Universe. Well, it turns out that our Universe has been "divided into two places: Micro-world - The world of elementary particles, and Macro-world - The world of Outer space. For both of these places/worlds, unfortunately, we have to use a different description. For the Macro-world we use the General relativity, while for the Micro-world we use quantum mechanics.
At the moment, it is impossible to make these two descriptions consistent. The problem is gravity - the concept of gravity. In our ToE-Quantum Space, a similar situation affects the concept of "time" - that's why, in order to make the concept of time consistent as well, we introduced the time quaternion into our Theory. Perhaps first what is a Quaternion?
Cayley Q8 graph showing the six cycles of multiplication by i, j and k. Graphical representation of products of quaternion units as 90° rotations in the planes of 4-dimensional space spanned by two of {1, i, j, k}. ToE-Time Quaternion is a proposal of concept.
So what does time quaternion mean? This concept is an extension of our notion of time. Well, in our Here and our Now, our time is treated as an real passage - an actual measurement of time units, among which a corresponding sequence of changes, events, takes place. This may mean that in order to reconcile the different interpretation of time that applies in the micro-world - in the world of elementary particles, we need to expand our concept of time.
In the world of quantum mechanics, some phenomena occur outside our time. It can happen that an elementary particle - for example, an electron, can find itself in several locations (several places) simultaneously - at the same moment. This means that our time does not anticipate such phenomena, while time in the micro-world tolerates such situations - what can this mean?
It means that Time from the Micro-world is different - it has a different interpretation from our point of view. The simplest thing would be to say that the time that is interpreted in the micro-world is different. But that would mean inconsistency of our Theory and time dualism, which leads to more confusion. Even if the phenomena of the Micro-world are subject to a different interpretation of time, our concept of time must be some kind of sensible continuation inherited from the Micro-world.
That is why we introduced the concept of time quaternion. A time quaternion is a mathematical notation of time that connects the two worlds: the world of elementary particles and our macro-world. The concept of time from the Micro-world has to be extended, because it has to include both descriptions: for the macro-world and for the micro-world. If one element in the micro-world can be at the same time (at the same instant in several places at the same time, then time in the micro-world has a different mathematical description. It is the time quaternion.
The time quaternion is a mathematical description for time from the macro-world and micro-world simultaneously. The time quaternion was constructed/proposed from a concept introduced by William Rowan Hamilton, who proposed an extension of complex numbers. The quaternions in this construction are of the form:
where the coefficients a, b, c, d are real numbers, and 1, i, j, k are the basis vectors or basis elements. As you can see, our time quaternion q corresponds to our extended definition of time and is a complete mathematical description of the time that corresponds in the macro-world and in the micro-world. This means that our time corresponds to the value of q - or in the equation t = q.
How is the interpretation of such time? Well, our real time in our Here and Now, is devoid of an imaginary part - then our time in our macro-world uses only scalar values, which have their interpretation in the form of seconds. The form of this equation - the mathematical description of time for our macro-world is then:
Re (q)= ae = t
We are then dealing only with the real part of our equation for the description of time. The imaginary part then equals zero.
Im (q) = bi + cj + dk = 0
All phenomena that occur in the micro-world are described by both the Real part and the Imaginary part of our equation. Then time consists of two parts: The Real - belonging to the description of time in the macro-world, and the imaginary part, which completes the mathematical description of time for the micro-world. So what is the interpretation of time in the micro-world? An analogy to understand this can be compared to the situation where the world of elementary particles has a clock consisting of two clock faces. One clock face shows the real part of our time, and the other clock face shows the imaginary part of our time. This situation is shown in the illustration above.
To introduce extensions to the mathematical description of our time we used Hamilton's Quaternion. This gave rise to the concept of Extended Time, which we called the Time Quaternion. Thus, if our time is extended by an imaginary part, then an elementary particle - for example, an Electron - can appear from our point of view in two or more places simultaneously. This is because the world of particles uses the imaginary part of our time. In order for the description of time to be complete, we had to propose the Algebra of Quaternions, which extends our concept of time.
So what does such a description of time mean for the micro-world? The imaginary (extended) part of time for elementary particles introduces a description of the stabilization of matter for our Time Dimension, for our surrounding Reality. This means that the passage of time only in the imaginary part can be understood so that an elementary particle has no stabilization in time - in our real time. Such a particle is impermanent, and its location is equally likely to be in several places simultaneously from our point of view. The location is indeterminate according to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. And if so, such an elementary particle may have wave properties that can be described by the Schrödinger Equation.
This means that in the Real part of our time equation, the elementary particle behaves like a particle. On the other hand, in the imaginary part of our time equation, the particle behaves like a wave. Then we can talk about Wave–particle duality. This means that the world of elementary particles has two natures because the description of time consists of two components: the Real part and the Imaginary part. Both of these parts (real and imaginary) determine a complex time equation called the Time Quaternion.
Real Time is a description of our Reality, of what surrounds us. The world of elementary particles builds a picture of stable matter in our Here and Now. If during the construction of this image of stable matter for our Here and our Now there are any phenomena related to Quantum decoherence, this can only happen in imaginary time. This is the concept of ToE-Time Quaternion.
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