ToE-Quantum Space-4. What could be the consequences of the discovery and use of the Theory of Everything? Would we resist the urge to dominate that might arise if we had absolute knowledge? ToE-Quantum Space-4 takes a closer look at some of the dangers regarding Theory of Everything. If it turned out that we could wield such power - absolute knowledge - how would the Reality around us change?
We are not ready for a definitive solution for our all problems. The Theory of Everything could be used only for a narrow area of queries, with a concomitant demand to limit the context of the answer. This means that instead of an entire solution, we would have to settle for only a partial answer.
The uncertainty principle is any of a variety of mathematical inequalities asserting a fundamental limit to the product of the accuracy of certain related pairs of measurements on a quantum system, such as position, x, and momentum, p. We would be able to find an answer, an exact answer about the position and momentum for our electron - but the fact that this electron will affect the fate of the world, the Reality around us, would be ignored. This electron is part of a larger system that will affect the change of our Reality.
It seems that we are at the starting point. Even if we were able to acquire such a Theory of Everything, we would not be able to use it to its full extent. And that means that someone would have to decide the extent of the use of such a solution - and this is where the problem begins. Who would decide on absolute knowledge, what authority and authority would be necessary? There would be even more questions. Before we could tame the Theory of Everything, we would first have to answer the question of why, who it would serve, and how it would affect our civilization, our evolution.
Humanity seems to have problems with less important things. Imagine that everything is possible, we know the answer to every question. Who will decide it? Who will be able to go back in time, and who will be able to fly to the Future? If we have a Theory - a working theory that can do anything, then time travel seems possible and accessible. Our Theory of Everything would have a ready solution for this. If our Theory could give us a solution to how our Universe came into existence, it could just as well map the moment T = 0. We could then witness the birth of the Universe.

Let's assume for a moment that this is nonsense. I have no idea what I'm talking about. According to the assumptions of today's scientific world, the Theory of Everything, is a Theory that has one solution to describe our Universe. It does not exclude the knowledge we have. This means that the Theory of Everything could combine the General relativity and the Standard Model. Ok. Let's assume that this is possible. If it turned out that such a clear combination allows us to "time travel" completely at random, what then?
No one can predict what will happen when the scientific world finally solves the problem and combines the General relativity and the Standard Model. We do not know whether we will then be able to reproduce antimatter or a Black Hole on Earth? We don't know exactly what needs to happen to conduct experiments with a Black Hole or with antimatter. Once today, scientists had access to such solutions - how would it affect our lives. Would they be able to predict some of the effects?
When the Americans dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, and later on Nagasaki, no one could fully predict the consequences of these "experiments." - The word experiment is spot on here, because no one knew what would happen and how it would affect the next years, the next generations. The discovery of other lands ushered in, colonialism, slavery, human trafficking and, consequently, racism. Perhaps this is some oversimplification, and slavery was known before. However, if a country gained the ultimate solution - the answers to all questions, wouldn't slavery manifest itself in a new edition? Would the rest of the world begin to tremble for its safety in fear of the consequences of such domination?
As a civilization, we don't really know how to work together. Conflicts, the desire to dominate, the struggle for resources, power, technological superiority can be much stronger than the desire to solve problems together. Maybe it's because we are so primitive - we know how to learn and solve problems only partially. When solving a problem, we assume an expected solution - an expected solution that is favorable from our point of view. The desire to discover is much stronger than thinking about the consequences of our research efforts. Alfred Nobel experienced this for the first time. His story should teach us something?
until next time…
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