ToE-Quantum Space-3. The Quantum Space Structure is an environment that can map any solution using the energy states of the structure. This means that our Root Cause - Initial Singularity can also be mapped. Perhaps the structure of Quantum Space could be our Initial Singularity. Our concept of "time" could have existed on the premises of the Root Cause. This means that such a structure has enormous possibilities. The structure of Quantum Space resembles a computer for simulating any energy state. That's what we're going to talk about with ToE-Quantum Space-3.
Our considerations from the first part touched on the problem of the Quantum Space Concept itself. The structure of Quantum Space is a computer with unimaginable computing power. Imagine how many possibilities such a structure has, if each of its elements - the Energy Point, can have a billion combinations - it is difficult to imagine such a computer simulation (see also computer simulation according to ToE). The structure of Quantum Space can generate any energy state that can describe, imitate any phenomenon.

Our ToE-Theory of Everything cannot give a mathematical formula. The structure of Quantum Space generates solutions for a specific moment in time. If we are looking for information - for example - where Nicolaus Copernicus came up with the idea of the heliocentric model of the Solar System, the structure of Quantum Space will generate, recreate that moment in its entirety.
The solution will not be just a simple answer about the location itself, but the whole moment - all its elements, the whole description of Reality at that time. In such a representation, we will see what Nicolaus Copernicus looked like, the color of his hair, his clothes, what he was eating and drinking at that moment, what he was looking at. Not only that, this moment will be mapped with the entire planetary system that existed at that time - the exact positions of all the planets at that moment.
To generate an answer to our question (where Nicolaus Copernicus got the idea for his Theory), would provide a huge number of facts, information, and from many fields - nutrition in the Middle Ages, services in the Middle Ages, human relations in the Middle Ages, the basic tool available in the Middle Ages, and so on. It should be noted that Nicolaus Copernicus lived at the turn of two eras - the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Renaissance, this further complicates our answer. We would have to spend many years to analyze this data from one query. Many scientists from different fields, scientific disciplines would have to analyze the entire context of the answer.
Now, imagine you could ask about the possibility of "time travel." The structure of Quantum Space has generated an answer about the first pretence of time travel, which will only happen in 2000 years. Imagine all the context of this answer, all the knowledge you have to explore. All the technologies that have been developed for our future 2000 years. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, the materials from which the time machine is made. Computers that control the system for time travel processes. Time navigation system, how to determine the direction and location of the time jump? How do we overcome the barrier of knowledge and science that will accomplish our future 2000 years?
Are we then ready for the Theory of Everything? Answering the question with our ToE-Quantum Space could be completely incomprehensible. People ask for a piece of context and draw the wrong conclusions. Imagine if you could ask about anything. Would you be able to face such an answer? It seems that at the moment we have no idea how to use such a solution. We're not ready for questions from the future, and as for the past, we wouldn't be able with our technology today to analyze the entire context of the answer. I don't think we are quite ready for the Theory of Everything.
until next time…
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