wtorek, 17 grudnia 2024

Uncertainty of time

Uncertainty of time. How can the uncertainty of time for the Macro-world be accomplished? The uncertainty of time in the Macro-world can be attempted by analogy to the phenomena of the micro-world, where Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle occurs in quantum mechanics. So, by analogy on the principle of symmetry, can there be something in the macro-world that resembles Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle - the uncertainty of time.

Perhaps the uncertainty of time in the macro-world is not the same as Heisenberg's Principle of Uncertainty in the micro-world, but through certain analogies in the macro-world must also make what is appropriate. The uncertainty of time can reveal itself in a completely different form than we can imagine. If such a rule exists and can be experienced experimentally in the world of Elementary Particles, the concept of "time" in the macro-world may also be uncertain.

The uncertainty principle, also known as Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics. It states that there is a limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties, such as position and momentum, can be simultaneously known. In other words, the more accurately one property is measured, the less accurately the other property can be known.

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle occurs in quantum mechanics. Historically, analogous principles occur in classical wave theory, where it is impossible to determine with complete accuracy the position and speed of a propagating wave. We can also refer to classical physics: in a situation where it is impossible to accurately determine the position and momentum of a satellite orbiting a large body, such as the Earth. By photographing with a flash at certain intervals or using radar, we disturb the momentum vector of the satellite.

This is because when photographing or using radar, we use a source of photons that have a certain momentum, which is partly absorbed and partly reflected by the orbiting satellite (its surface), which changes its momentum vector very slightly. By gaining position information, we lose momentum information to some extent. In order to gain information about the system, we have to enter into some interaction with it, which means that the state of the system is disturbed.

Here let's try to formulate Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. In general, it states that the more we know about the position of a particle (the uncertainty in measuring position tends to zero), the less we know about its momentum (the uncertainty in measuring momentum can be arbitrarily large), and vice versa. The uncertainty principle also exists for other physical quantities, such as energy and time.

The most common forms of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle known in the literature are the uncertainty principle of momentum and position and the uncertainty principle of energy and time.

It is certainly difficult to compare what is happening in the micro-world with what is happening in the macro-world. However, if we appeal to the principle of symmetry, it seems that the uncertainty of time in the macro-world should be happening. The uncertainty of time can manifest itself, for example, in the fact that the Expansion of our Universe consequently causes our "time" to slow down. The unpredictability of time can be revealed in the following animation. Let's follow it.

The uncertainty of time, is due to its unpredictability.
The uncertainty of time, is due to its unpredictability. Perhaps it would be possible if we assume that our Universe must expand inside the Initial Singularity. This would mean that the Initial Singularity must contain all the Attributes of our Universe - from its Beginning, to its End. This seems quite logical, because if we assume that the Big Bang Theory refers to the Initial Singularity at the very Beginning, then thanks to such a Root Cause, nothing could appear, nothing could happen. This implies a certain consequence. If the Beginning of the Universe could happen thanks to the Singularity, then the End certainly cannot happen without the participation of the Initial Singularity.

In order for the Universe to begin, a Precursor, called the Initial Singularity in the Big Bang Theory, was necessary. This Root Cause had to have the necessary information - in general, to carry out the Origin of the Universe. Without this necessary information, it is likely that the Universe would not have been born. If this information is so necessary for the formation of the laws of the Universe, then the Universe itself would not have been able to cope if it had been deprived of this important "information." Information is models, representations of various forms of energy, matter, etc.

If the Universe must rely on these elements/information contained in the Initial Singularity, it means that the Singularity itself must create some, special environment, without which the Universe cannot evolve, cannot create new, more complex entities, such as planets, stars, galaxies. Before the Initial Singularity, there was also no "time".

This means that the Singularity must consistently sustain such an environment in which these laws and our concept of "time" function. For without time, we are unable to exist. The simplest arrangement, modem, for the Initial Singularity to be able to sustain the initiated Scientific laws, time/time lapse, is to assume that this is done in the terrain of favorable initial conditions - that is, in the terrain of the Singularity itself. The location of our Universe inside the Singularity can explain the uncertainty of time.

Making such an assumption leads to treating our Initial Singularity as a sphere that surrounds everything that takes place in our Universe - from the passage of time, which, after all, cannot exist outside the sphere of the Initial Singularity, to the very process of the Expansion of our Universe. This could mean that our entire Universe is expanding, but in a completely different way than previously thought. Since our Universe is expanding, it would seem that the Initial Singularity is either infinite or expanding as well.

The expansion of the Initial Singularity may explain why the concept of "time" can only exist within the Singularity - the expansion of the Singularity ensures change, and change is an attribute of time, the passage of time. However, in our case, our Universe is expanding opposite to the center of the Initial Singularity, so we are dealing with the phenomenon of the Uncertainty of time.

If our Universe is expanding in the sphere of the Initial Singularity, which is also expanding, then our concept of "time" is not completely certain, and Uncertainty of Time may occur. Uncertainty of time may manifest itself in the fact that the Singularity must be expanding much faster than the inner creation that is the Universe. This means that our time will slow down.

Our time, is a reflection of the Expansion of our Universe for the reason that during observation we have access only to data from the past - to objects older than the observer. If this is the case, then the direction of the Expansion is consistent with the direction of our time. This means that Time has its "arrow of time". This arrow is consistent with the direction of the Expansion of our Universe.

The sphere of the Initial Singularity is expanding faster than our Universe, and this means that Objects that are close to the outer layers of the Singularity must go backwards in time. All objects that are closer to the outer surface of the sphere of the Initial Singularity are moving away and going backwards in time. Of course, these statements are relevant to our point of view - to observations made from around our planet Earth. In addition, our Universe is expanding to the center of the sphere.

The direction of Expansion is determined by the Center Point of the sphere of the Initial Singularity. Therefore, our "time" is slowing down. This is due, first of all, to the difference between the expansion of the Initial Singularity and the Expansion of our Universe. This means that the closer we are to the Center of the Singularity Sphere, the slower our passage of time becomes.

This means that, consequently, we are heading to the Sphere Point where "time" will stop flowing. This may mean the End of our Time. A sign of such a state may be the disappearance of all "changes". Changes, in turn, are attributes of our concept of "time" - if there are no "changes", time will not pass, and if time stops passing, the End of our Universe will occur - for example, as the heat death of our Universe. Slowing down our time introduces Uncertainty of time.

There will be a continuation the topic of Uncertainty of time…

Marek Ożarowski


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