wtorek, 20 sierpnia 2024

The new description of the Universe

Why are we concerned with the definition of Time? What is time in the new interpretation? To understand this, one must go back after the beginning, when our Universe was forming. Perhaps if you can be in that place then, you would be able to understand what rules keep our current Universe in a stabilized state. And as a result, one will be able to understand a new approach to the definition of “time.”

Description of the Universe, how can we make a description of the surrounding Reality? It seems quite simple, provided that we have some established interpretations of the phenomena that occur and define the surrounding Reality. But if the surrounding Reality does not have what we have in our Universe, then how can a description of the Universe be made, where there is no physics, no Scientific laws, no mathematics, no Physical quantities, no basic International System of Units – none of the things we experience in our Universe, in our Time Dimension.

If we assume that our description of the origin of the Universe could resemble that of the Big Bang theory, then there was nothing before the Big Bang that we could use to describe the “Start of the World” from our International System of Units? The Start of the World – the “Singularity” can therefore not be described according to our perception of the reality around us NOW – there were no Physical quantities there then, no time. This means that our Physical quantities to describe the Reality around us, had to transform to the products of our NOW – to the present form of the International System of Units.

Perhaps, the Description of the Universe at the point of the “Singularity” is not at all possible with the Knowledge and Experience of our Here and Now. Perhaps at the point of the “Singularity” the elements that transformed to today’s Scientific laws were only forming. The formation of “time” may be similar. The point of “Singularity” may have contained only some element – the original element that turned out in our Here and Now to be the definition of our “time“. 

Space at the time of release from the point of “Singularity”, certainly did not have such Physical quantities as timemassenergy. The expanding Space just after the release, also did not have such Physical quantities as positionvelocityaccelerationforce. How can we describe the Beginning of the Universe without our stabilized Physical quantities?

If at the moment when Space was released by the point of “Singularity” there may not have been any Physical quantities, then how to describe the beginning of the Universe? Hardly, if even one of these Physical quantities was “disturbed” – did not resemble its definition, which we use in our Here and Now, then all the other Physical quantities could also be in an unstable state. 

This means that they were not suitable for the Description of the Universe at the time of the “release” of Space from the point of “Singularity”. At the point of “Singularity” was “time” understood from the point of view of our Here and Now, or also “time” like Space was freed and is expanding – maybe time is also subject to expansion?

The description of the Universe, like space and time has expanded – certainly transformed to the point of our Here and Now. Originally, perhaps, Space and Time had their own paths of development to eventually merge into our Here and Now and reveal themselves as a new quality in the description of the Universe – Spacetime. This means that the process of transformation of Physical quantities is still being sustained. The description of the Universe of our Here and Now will be transformed to our Tomorrow. Perhaps Tomorrow will be the next release (International System of Units bis) of our tools for tomorrow’s description of the Universe?


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