niedziela, 21 lipca 2024

Time Dissonance

Time Dissonance is related to the interpretation of the aging process, which was partially discussed in the previous article. Time Dissonance is actually the basis for the interpretation of aging according to our Theory of Everything (ToE). Well, we know from our experience that some people look young despite the passage of time, and some people look “old” despite their young age. I’m not considering the topic of progeria for now, for example, which is perhaps a bit of an exception to the rule and perhaps should be given more time and analysis.

Thus, one can return to our consideration of the aging process. Well, why do our bodies allow us to “live” 70-90 years? Why do we not live similarly to “stone/rock” millions of years? Or, should we live only a few years – a year, is also a good result? Maybe. Well, that’s right – “stone/rock” millions of years – Human, a thinking being – 70-90 years. Could the aging process look different, could we experience life in a different way? How does it all look from the point of view of the emerging structure of Quantum Space – how could there be an interpretation of the aging process according to our Theory of Everything (ToE)?

According to our observations, the aging process, takes place in two layers – physical and mental. This means that as the years go by, we see a decline in physical activity or infirmity in the mental layer. This is a very general view, which we will use for our consideration of the aging process, there is no point in focusing on the effects of the aging process.

Our life consists of a time sequence – our arrow of time, which corresponds to our lifeline. Our “Lifeline”, is the collection of all our activities – from the physiologyof our body to the activities we perform during our lives. The activities we perform can mostly be attributed to two layers – physical or mental. To make it more specific, we mean purely physical activities (analogy to exercise) and our brain activity. These two types of our Activity are connected and complementary, but this is irrelevant to our considerations. This is just a simple approach, without unnecessary complications for clarification. 

All these elements are very important to understand our perception of “Time” – to understand “what is Time“. Time, unfortunately, has a multi-dimensional definition. The basis of every action/activity is “Free Choice“. But “Free Choice“, is most often based on our experience and knowledge. The more experience and knowledge we have, the greater the possibilities (projections) of “Free Choice“. In the end, it is our decision based on “Free Choice” that will bring change in the next, future moment – a new change in the Reality around us. If this is how it is accomplished, it must also affect the aging process, and in a sense it is related to time disruption – this is Time Dissonance.

Time Dissonance is also a rather important element that describes our way of defining “Time.” We also associate the perception of time with the acquisition of life experience and knowledge of the Universe. The more we acquire this experience and knowledge, the greater the impact on “Time” – the greater the Dissonance of Time around our person. This means that greater opportunities for “free choice” introduce greater Dissonance of Time.

To explain this in detail we will use a certain example presented in the animation. Man “A”, is a person who travels a lot, is curious about the world, and tries to prepare well for each trip. He reads a lot of books about interesting places and then plans to see these places with his own eyes – to confront the knowledge from the books to his experience of a “specific place”. 

For most of his life, this is how he fills in his experience and knowledge of the Reality around him. He makes decisions (according to his free choice) based on his acquired experience and knowledge. The more he has to “back up” this experience and knowledge, the more opportunities he has to create different scenarios – more choices.

What exactly does this mean? Man “A”, when making decisions, uses his experience and knowledge that he has acquired from his previous travels. Referring to this experience and knowledge, he introduces Time Dissonance. Dissonance of Time manifests itself in the fact that at the moment of creation of “Free Choice”, suddenly Man “A” recalls associations with previous trips – it’s as if in an instant he was in all these trips/places at once. 

This is how Time Dissonance – or stratification, stretching of being in parallel times – is created. At one moment you are in multiple situations and places at once. You want to refer to the best analogy of your experience and knowledge to make the best decision in your opinion.

When you sit in a meeting with a traveler – Man “A”, and ask about interesting adventures from his travel life, then in one second all his adventures “appear” in front of Man “A”. In that one moment, Man “A” undergoes a Dissonance in Time. For the inquirers it is one second out of life, for Man “A” it is ten years of traveling – “scattered time” is compressed into one small moment. 

But, as for everything in our Universe according to the rules, the laws of physics, Man “A” has to pay a cost – this is the aging process. The more of this experience and knowledge he has, the greater the dissipation in time – it’s as if he almost “exists” in all these travel like Alternate Realities.

It even gets to the point where, as Man “A” refers to his past experience and knowledge, in some cases (journeys) he changes the facts, blurs/displaces unwanted details, develops visions that did not take place or simply loses some of his experience and knowledge. It also happens that from his Here and Now (current moment), he would have made a completely different “free choice” than he had on that journey. What does this mean? 

Man “A” is stretched across the entire possible Temporal/Time Layer in his Universe. In an instant, Man “A” sees and “experiences” the future consequences of his, now considered, decision before making it. A Time Dissonance occurs, resulting in the progression of the aging process. An analogy – as if our “body” is in one “time” in several alternative places.

The structure of Quantum Space – according to the concept of Quantum Space – is outside of time, this means that it has all these possible images of our “free choices” independently, which one will be chosen and will affect our future moment. That’s why Man “A”, who has a greater dispersion in time, can age faster – “live fast, die young”.


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